杜威遊學 菲律賓遊學 代辦
After the epidemic, when the wave of study tours in the Philippines is intensifying, which agency should you choose is the most suitable for you? Dewey’s first study tour! As long as 1788 yuan per month, start learning English in the Philippines immediately and easily! Considering that students should not have too much burden on their study tours, the lowest monthly payment plan is launched, starting at only 1,788 yuan per month. It is easy to start a study tour in the Philippines, eliminating the complicated procedures of credit cards, and quickly applying, allowing you to start your study tour immediately.

杜威遊學 菲律賓遊學 代辦
- 杜威獨家!遊學前讓您體驗暖身預備課程,遊學前不慌張,熟系全英文環境教學模式,提升學習效果!
- 首創月付專案1788元起,輕鬆遊學去,菲律賓遊學每月只要付1788元起,申辦方便,立即出發!
- 首創獨家APP雲端筆記和單字測驗系統,確保遊學期間學習不間斷,並可永久使用。
- 多家航空公司合作,提供獨家優惠折扣,輕鬆購票省荷包。
- 因安全考量,多區設有服務分公司,提供即時服務與關懷,讓您在異地也能感受到家的溫暖。在菲律賓宿霧,設置學生服務中心辦公室,提供獨家餐飲服務,新生入學享免費Buffet吃到飽,台式料理和素蔬食料理外送,透過家鄉味便當撫慰遊子濃濃的思鄉之情,杜威學生還享有專屬折扣優惠。
- 提供菲律賓當地旅遊,客製化量身訂做旅遊行程,幫助您規劃,更享有獨家優惠。包括菲律賓當地多家杜威特約商店的折扣優惠。
- 線上線下新遊學,線上Hi家教18國語言學習,線下去遊學,打造全英文環境,學習無上限。
Philippines, a student service center office is set up to provide exclusive catering services. Freshmen can enjoy a free Buffet with all-you-can-eat, Taiwanese and vegetarian dishes for delivery, and soothe the deep homesickness of wanderers through home-style bento. Dewey Students also enjoy exclusive discounts. the
Provide local travel in the Philippines, customize and tailor-made travel itinerary, help you plan, and enjoy exclusive discounts. Includes discounts at several Dewey franchised stores in the Philippines.
New online and offline study tours, online Hi tutoring for 18 language learning, offline study tours, creating an all-English environment, learning unlimited.

The consultant team of Dewey Study Tour, in addition to professionalism and friendly service, is the basic requirement. Every year, the consultants of Dewey Study Tour Agency will visit the Filipino language school in person to learn about the school situation and update the latest information locally, and provide students with the latest first-hand information . The service areas are all over the country, including Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, Cebu, Manila and Subic. the
This is not only a part of choosing a study tour, but also a fantastic journey of adventure and learning. Join us in passing through the door of the Dewey Study Tour Agency and embark on your international study adventure!