北極星 留遊學代辦 親子遊學 中小學

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創辦人傅老師帶著20幾年在補教業的教育理念在2006年創辦北極星遊留學,因為有所預知大學的升學率屢創新高,將不再有重考班的市場,因緣際會下受到補教同事的邀請加入了留學行列。 傅老師與家人有著移民紐西蘭的背景和經驗,北極星創辦初期深耕紐西蘭市場,隨著舊生們逐漸長大,想帶著如同自己孩子們的學生去看不同的世界、體驗不同的文化,因此陸續延伸了澳洲、加拿大、美國、英國、馬爾他、菲律賓等多個英語系國家的遊留學服務。

The founder, Mr. Fu, founded Polaris Study Abroad in 2006 with more than 20 years of remedial teaching experience. He predicted that the admission rate of the university would hit new highs and there would no longer be a market for re-examination classes. I was invited by my tutoring colleagues to join the ranks of studying abroad. Mr. Fu and his family have the background and experience of immigrating to New Zealand. Polaris was deeply involved in the New Zealand market in the early days of its establishment. As the old students grew up, they wanted to take students like their own children to see different worlds and experience different things. culture, so it has successively extended its study abroad services to many English-speaking countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Malta, and the Philippines.


🇺🇸 美國

🇨🇦 加拿大

🇬🇧 英國

🇮🇪 愛爾蘭

🇦🇺 澳洲

🇳🇿 紐西蘭

🇲🇹 馬爾他










北極星 留遊學代辦 親子遊學 中小學



1. 中華民國留學公會優良會員

2023 留學公會徽章 北極星



Polaris International Study Abroad Co., Ltd. was awarded an outstanding member of the Study Abroad Association of the Republic of China in 2023. This award reflects the company’s excellence in the field of study abroad tutoring and its commitment to continuously strive to improve service quality.

Polaris International Study Abroad Co., Ltd. has established close cooperative relationships with a number of international schools and institutions to provide students with a variety of study abroad options and help them find the academic opportunities that best suit their needs.

2. 獲得紐西蘭教育局頒發-紐西蘭教育專家證書

北極星留學遊學 獲得紐西蘭教育局頒發-紐西蘭教育專家證書



Polaris International Study Abroad Co., Ltd. has been committed to providing students with high-quality study abroad services. Our company has obtained the New Zealand Education Expert Certificate issued by the New Zealand Education Bureau. This certificate represents outstanding achievement and outstanding performance in the field of study abroad. We have always maintained a professional, responsible and caring attitude, and strive to provide every student with the best study abroad advice and services. We understand that studying abroad is an important career decision, so we are committed to ensuring that students receive the most appropriate educational opportunities to achieve their dreams and goals. We look forward to continuing to help more students realize their dreams of studying abroad and open the door to international education for them. Thank you to the New Zealand Education Bureau for your trust in Polaris International Study Tour Co., Ltd.




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